Ftp from within excel


Rich Cooper

Hey i have figured out how to have excel connect to an ftp by creating a
txt file with ftp commands and a batch file to execute them. I want to know
if there is a way to tell excel to keep the communication open and download
a file when it is ready. What happens is excel uploads a file, a process
program on my server extracts data from the csv excel uploaded and puts that
data into a sql server. Then sql generates a new csv and puts it into a
directory for it to be downloaded. I want to know how to tell the ftp
connection when that file is done and then to start download. I can tell it
to download a file but i have to know that file is there and ready for

Sub PublishFile()
Dim strDirectoryList As String
Dim lStr_Dir As String
Dim lInt_FreeFile01 As Integer
Dim lInt_FreeFile02 As Integer

On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'lStr_Dir = ThisWorkbook.Path
lInt_FreeFile01 = FreeFile
lInt_FreeFile02 = FreeFile

'' ANW 07-Feb-2003 :
strDirectoryList = lStr_Dir & "\Directory"

'' Delete completion file
If Dir(strDirectoryList & ".out") <> "" Then Kill (strDirectoryList &

'' Create text file with FTP commands
Open strDirectoryList & ".txt" For Output As #lInt_FreeFile01
Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "open ip goes here"
Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "username"
Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "password"
'Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "cd upload"
Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "cd download"
Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "binary"
'Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "send c:\test.txt"
Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "get pop.doc"
Print #lInt_FreeFile01, "bye"
Close #lInt_FreeFile01

'' Create Batch program
Open strDirectoryList & ".bat" For Output As #lInt_FreeFile02
Print #lInt_FreeFile02, "ftp -s:" & strDirectoryList & ".txt"
Print #lInt_FreeFile02, "Echo ""Complete"" > " & strDirectoryList &
Close #lInt_FreeFile02

'' Invoke Directory List generator
Shell (strDirectoryList & ".bat"), vbHide '', vbMinimizedNoFocus
'Wait for completion
Do While Dir(strDirectoryList & ".out") = ""

Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03"))

'' Clean up files
If Dir(strDirectoryList & ".bat") <> "" Then Kill (strDirectoryList &
If Dir(strDirectoryList & ".out") <> "" Then Kill (strDirectoryList &
If Dir(strDirectoryList & ".txt") <> "" Then Kill (strDirectoryList &


Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error : " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & "Description : " &
Err.Description, vbCritical
Resume bye

End Sub

Dave Peterson

I have no idea, but if you don't get an idea here, you may want to try a VB

Any chance you could just use application.wait or application.ontime?

Dave Peterson

And you may want to limit your crossposting to just a couple of newsgroups that
would actually apply????



I have implemented something similar to this by creating a temporary file,
ie when the sql server generated a csv file, this process is completed, the
last thing it would do is create a 0 byte file with a static name. My VBA
program checks if this file exist, if it does it transfer File to the
system, and delete the 0 byte file.

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