FTP Error



Recently installed COMCAST hi speed internet to my XP.
Prior I was with SPRINT and was able to sign on to a
remote server and FTP zip files to that server (via drag
and drop). Now I receive a message 'An error occurred
opening that folder on the FTP Server. Make sure you have
permission to access that folder (OK)'
Support people from COMCAST and from remote server site
are successful. I'm even successful if I sign on to
another XP (who also has COMCAST internet service).
Everyone feels it's an IE problem (I'm current with
releases). I've gone thru checking and unchecking FTP
boxes under internet options.
I'm stumped....
Any clues?


If you think it is due to Internet Explorer, do a repair.

Check if a program running in the background is interfering with Internet
Explorer. Temporarily disable all Norton programs, including anti-virus, win
doctor, recycle bin protect, and clean sweep. Does Internet Explorer work
properly now?

Disable any firewall or ad-blocker.

Perform a repair of Internet Explorer. From Control Panel select Add/Remove
Programs. Scroll down to Microsoft Internet Explorer and highlight it. Click
on the Add/Remove button. When the IE Tools menu comes up, select Repair.
Click OK.

If repairing does not work, uninstall and reinstall IE. At the same IE Tools
menu, select "Restore the previous Windows configuration". Then reinstall
Internet Explore.

You can also access the IE Toolbar by clicking Start > Run and type

rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE6Maintenance


I don't know if it's IE or not. Everyone I talk with says
it is. I have none of the listed programs running, nor
firewall nor ad-blocker.
When I try to do a repair (add/remove) no EI tools menu
comes up and there's no mention anywhere of 'repair'. I
don't want to remove/install IE because it came with the
computer and I have no previous version to fall back
I read where microsoft has an anonomous ftp site... can't
get at that either... can't get at ANY FTP site thru my
browser. My brother bought an XP 2 weeks before I did and
I have no problem signing on to the FTP site I need from
there. The only difference is he's got XP home and I have
XP pro.
My brain hurts...

Charlie Tame

The repair option only appears after you click on "Remove" Gerry,,,

Under advanced internet options there's a check box giving you an option to
use "Passive FTP".... see if checking that helps any... some modems can act
like firewalls and Passive gets around that.

Under internet options security...

Choose the custom button for the internet zone

Toward the bottom of this list are 4 radio buttons for logon options.

I usually use the second one down but you might experiment by trying to
force IE to ask for logon data from you... remember after making these
changing to close all IE windows and start over.


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