FTP + 2003


Jurjen de Groot

Since there doesn't seem to be any groups on Windows 2003 I'm posting my
question here.

Recently I've installed a new server with Windows 2003 standard edition. On
my 'old' Windows 2000 Server I used to run a little home-made VB app wich
would check the McAfee website (via FTP) for the latest updates and download
'm if new files were published. This worked perfectly. For some reason
however the program can't seem to connect or download any information when
running on Windows 2003.

2003 is more secure than 2000 and I will probably have to enable some switch
somewhere to allow my programm to access the internet or something but I
haven't a clue...

Can anyone help me out ?

Kind regards,

Jurjen de Groot

neo [mvp outlook]

If the FTP process is reading settings from Internet Explorer, then the
Enhanced Configuration may need to be removed from your 2003 server.
(Add|Remove Applets | Windows Components)

George Hester

I think a decent place for Windows 2003 issues besides this one too I'd say is:


I found this one the hard way. LOL

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