FrontPage closes upon attempting to open a previously edited file.



Sure hope someone can help. My hard drive had to be reformatted. I had
saved all my files in the original folders. After cleaning up the drive, I
restored all my files, with one exception. I now have the data on drive "F",
rather than the default "C" that it was on previously. I reinstalled
FrontPage 2002.

Then, when I tried to load the web pages, it simply quits with a message
that "FrontPage has encountered a problem and needs to close." I can't get
it to go beyond that to try to trouble shoot the files. The details to the
error message are:

AppName: frontpg.exe
AppVer: 10.0.2623.0
ModName: unknown
Offset: 6d65542f

Any suggestions about how to get up and running again would be GREATLY

Thomas A. Rowe

You can't just move FP webs, then need to be published. If you backed up to a CD, then copy the
files to F drive, then are set to read-only, you need to delete them, copy them back to their
original location on your C drive, remove the read-only attributes, then open in FP and publish to
your FP drive or better yet, if the sites are publish to a live/remote server that has the FP
extensions, open the sites directly on the live/remote server in FP and publish them to your F
drive, otherwise you need to do a complete publish the first time, not a Change Page Only publish
since you have re-installed FP and also move the files on your local PC to a different location.
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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