FrontPage 2003 Theme in Visual Studio.NET?


Al Cohen

I've been using Visual Studio.NET 2003 for some time, and am floored by
..NET, ASP.NET, the IDE... everything's great except for the lack of
tools for making a great-looking site.

So I purchased FrontPage 2003 today, as it touts integration with
ASP.NET. It looks like there's some integration, but it's not obvious
(to me) how to do the following, which I'd think would be the most
fundamental use of the combo of these two apps:

I'd like to generate a FrontPage site using a theme, then pull it into
Visual Studio to add smarts. Are there any guidelines for this? Or do
I need to experiment and pray?


Al Cohen

Jim Buyens

I do this a lot, but not with Themes. Basically:

1. Create a new FrontPage Web site with whatever starting
pages you want. Don't, however, use any FrontPage
2. Close the site in FrontPage, then create a new
Visual Studio project, using the site's http://
address. If Visual Studio asks whether to open the
site with a file share or FrontPage, choose
3. Delete the WebForm.aspx file that Visual Studio
creates by default.
4. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project
(not the solution) and choose properties.
5. Under Common Properties, click Web Settings. Then
select FrontPage and Link Repair. Click OK.
6. Choose Show All Files from the Project menu.
7. For each file that you want to work with in Visual
Studio, right-click it in Solution Explorer and
choose Include in Project.

From here you switch back and forth between FrontPage and
Visual Studio fairly easily. Just remember these points:

o Visual Studio won't be aware of any FrontPage features
you use. It knows nothing, for example, about Themes,
Dynamic Web Templates, and Navigation View. So, after
creating a new page in Visual Studio, you would have to
switch to FrontPage and manually apply any FrontPage
features you want.
o FrontPage isn't aware of the relationships among
files that Video Studio requires. So, for example,
if you rename an .aspx page in FrontPage, FrontPage
won't also rename the .aspx.vb and .aspx.res files
for you. It also won't update the codebehind and
inherits settings in the @Page directive, or the
class name in the .aspx.vb file.
o If you add files in FrontPage, they won't appear in
Visual Studio until you select the project in
Solution Explorer and choose Refresh from the View

Because I don't use Themes in this scenario, I can't
offer any specific advice in that area. FWIW:

o I always use linked style sheets rather than Themes.
o I use Web User Controls (.ascx files) rather than
Include Page, Page Banner, or SSI-include.
o I always use appSettings rather than Substitution
components or Application variables set in global.asax.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Troubleshooting Microsoft FrontPage 2002
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

Al Cohen


Thanks a ton!

Looks like I have a little experimenting to do, but I suspect that your
tips will save me a bunch of time.

Al Cohen

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