From XP Home to XP Pro: benefits?



My daughter's laptop has XP Home loaded. I do have and upgrade disk
for XP Pro. Is there anything meaningful to be gained by doing this?
What if anything are the risks?
The laptop has been in use for a few weeks & so has some things
loaded, e.g. Office, some Codecs, downloaded pictures, etc. It & two
other PCs (XP Pro & Win 98) are peer-to-peer over a wireless router
(laptop only has wireless connection). No apparent problems. Part of
me says do it as long as I have the disk, another part keeps quoting
grandpas' rule ("If it ain't broke, don't fix it").

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Does it do what you want it to do? If so, leave it alone and save your
upgrade disk for another machine. If you see where upgrading actually would
have some benefit that you do not currently have, then proceed with the

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

Jim Macklin

XP Home and Pro will run the same programs the same, except
that XP Pro can handle 10 connections, join domains and has
some more accessible security settings.
If you upgrade the laptop you may void the warranty.

Stay with Home unless you have some specific need, such as a
school network that requires Pro.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

| My daughter's laptop has XP Home loaded. I do have and
upgrade disk
| for XP Pro. Is there anything meaningful to be gained by
doing this?
| What if anything are the risks?
| The laptop has been in use for a few weeks & so has some
| loaded, e.g. Office, some Codecs, downloaded pictures,
etc. It & two
| other PCs (XP Pro & Win 98) are peer-to-peer over a
wireless router
| (laptop only has wireless connection). No apparent
problems. Part of
| me says do it as long as I have the disk, another part
keeps quoting
| grandpas' rule ("If it ain't broke, don't fix it").
| Suggestions?
| Thanx,
| -plh
| --
| I keep hitting "Esc" -- but I'm still here!
| [if "123" is in email address, that is an anti-spam


I use XP Home but I have heard that Pro has more tools
for networking and for administration control. if it isnt
been used for this I would stick with Home it is smaller
and uses less resources.

Gene K

plh said:
My daughter's laptop has XP Home loaded. I do have and upgrade disk
for XP Pro. Is there anything meaningful to be gained by doing this?
What if anything are the risks?
The laptop has been in use for a few weeks & so has some things
loaded, e.g. Office, some Codecs, downloaded pictures, etc. It & two
other PCs (XP Pro & Win 98) are peer-to-peer over a wireless router
(laptop only has wireless connection). No apparent problems. Part of
me says do it as long as I have the disk, another part keeps quoting
grandpas' rule ("If it ain't broke, don't fix it").
Seems a rather simple thing [or question]. If your daughter is happy with
the Laptop and can do with it what she [and you] wants to do, be a good
father and keep your hands off it this time. Quoting your wise grandfather
again, "don't waste time fixing what ain't broke. There are too many other
useful things yet undone".

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