freezing row and column headings



This should be simple, but the words I want to use don't help in HELP

All I want to do is make the column headings in the first few rows stay on the screen when I scroll down and make the row headings at the left stay put when I scroll right

In ((Lotus 1-2-3)) this was called freeze titles

Thanks for your help, temayer


Thanks for your reply, but I don't think that is it, because that seems to only work in one direction and there doesn't seem to be a way to tell it,"Don't scroll the top three lines or the first two columns, as appropriate, so I can see what the cell is for."

Peo Sjoblom

Select A4 and freeze and you lock the top 3 rows, select C1 and freeze the 2
leftmost columns.
Whether it is equal to Lotus or not hardly matters since this is the only
way you can do it in Excel..



Peo Sjoblom

temayer said:
Thanks for your reply, but I don't think that is it, because that seems to
only work in one direction and there doesn't seem to be a way to tell
it,"Don't scroll the top three lines or the first two columns, as
appropriate, so I can see what the cell is for."


Agreed about Lotus, just added that to draw the analogy for someone with experience with both

Do I understand you correctly that it only works in one direction at a time?

Peo Sjoblom

No, you can select for instance A2 to freeze row 1 and column A



Peo Sjoblom

temayer said:
Agreed about Lotus, just added that to draw the analogy for someone with experience with both.

Do I understand you correctly that it only works in one direction at a


Try selecting a cell, say C3.
On the menu bar, Window > Freeze Panes.
This will freeze the top two rows and the two leftmost columns.



I really appreciate everyone trying to help on this. But there must be something wrong with my coy of Excel. It just doesn't work as you've suggested. If, I choose for example b2 and click Window > Freeze panes, the minute I scroll down off the bottom of that screen, I loose the column heads. Strangely, if I scroll right, my cursor keeps going, but the screen is 'stuck' and none of the columns moves. But I know my cursor is still going because the "current cell" indicator and the bottom scroll bars still move. It's just wacky.


This whole thing has been going on in a file I got from another person. It turns out that there was a Split set. That is why the Freeze wasn't working. I happened to notice that the Window menu had a choice to remove the split which I did and now it works as expected, freezing like a pro.

Thanks again.

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