
Freeze Panes options is no longer available in any spreadsheet I work with,
new or old (where I have used it previously) Where spreadsheets are frozen
now, I can't unfreeze, either.

Maybe something I did/didn't do when using side-by-side comparison?

Anyway, how to I get back the function, as "Split" just doesn't do what I

Jim Cone

Have you tried resetting the menu bar?...
Right-click the menu bar | Customize | Toolbars (tab) | Worksheet Menu Bar | Reset (button).
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

"Lucy" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
Freeze Panes options is no longer available in any spreadsheet I work with,
new or old (where I have used it previously) Where spreadsheets are frozen
now, I can't unfreeze, either.
Maybe something I did/didn't do when using side-by-side comparison?
Anyway, how to I get back the function, as "Split" just doesn't do what I

Jim Cone

The toolbar and menu setting are stored in the Excel.xlb file.
If this file is removed all the menu bars and toolbars are
automatically rebuilt. (in a non-corrupt system).
Before doing this, go to Tools | add-ins, make a note
of all the check marked items and then uncheck them all.

Close Excel and then do a search in Windows Explorer
for *.xlb and delete all files found. There should only be one file.
(multiple files could be part of the problem)
The actual file name varies depending on the version of Excel
you are using....Excel10.xlb, Excel.xlb, User8.xlb or ?

Probable file locations are...
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel

Restart Excel.

Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

"Lucy" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
Tried it, but no difference. Any other suggestions?

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