Freeing Memory allocted in unmanged C code



I am passing the address of pointer like char** from managed extension and
getting the
its initialized value from a C library dll.

How can i free the memory from the code in Managed Extension ?

Here is a sample C function i am calling from managed extension.

C dll Code

extern "C" void __declspec(dllexport) Test(char **p)

int nSize = 10000;

*p= (char*)::malloc(nSize);




// Iam currently calling back to C dll to free the memory it allocated.

extern "C" void __declspec(dllexport) TestFree(char **p)




Managed Extension Code Function.
StringBuilder *strB;

char *pszString;



//Marshal::FreeCoTaskMem((IntPtr)pszString); //This throws exception.after
certain number of iterations of calling this function

TestFree(&pszString); // I am currently calling this since above statement
does not work.

How can i free the memory in Managed Extension ?

Willy Denoyette [MVP]

Memory allocated using malloc() must be freed by calling free() as you did.
Memory allocated using CoTaskMemAlloc must be freed using FreeCoTaskMem.


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