Freeing Memory Allocated By Unmanaged Dlll

  • Thread starter tristan.chaplin
  • Start date


I have an unmanaged dll that returns a pointer (that it allocates, I
didn't allocate it with Marshal.AllocHGlobal), how do I free the memory
when I'm finished with it? It doesn't seem to like me calling
Marshal.FreeHGlobal on it.

I have heard rumours that the dll needs to supply its own destructor
function - is that true?

Mattias Sjögren

I have heard rumours that the dll needs to supply its own destructor
function - is that true?

It depends on which memory allocation API it uses. You have to find
that out first, hopefully the documentation will say.




If the Dll is something that you have written, then you need to
implement a method which allows freeing up memory from within the Dll
itself. You can then use this method to free the memory.

I don't think you would be allowed to free the memory allocated by the
dll from within your code.


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