Free Software



I Have found a site that is supposed to be all free software but how
good is free software. There is some stuff on there I wouldnt mind but
it seems to good to be true. The site is
does anybody know anything about this site is it safe to use.


If you feel wary about a program a little time researching with google
and looking through this group (it is archived if you have a google
account) and you may find more about any particular program, I've not
had a freeware program cause me, personally, any problems for quite
some time and many of them are unsurpasable, if you watch this group
you will find links to reviews and users comments, if you are running
XP you would be well advised to use the system restore at regular
intervals and always before installing a program whether freeeware or
not (windows should make a restore point.. but don't rely on it)


Thanks for your help Ive now downloaded a few things they seem ok and
Ive visited some of the sites above didnt know there was so many



You might want to check out my site where I review what I consider to
be the best of the best freeware at (I
have only reviewed a few programs of what is available -- but they are
excellent programs). I looked through the site you reference and
didn't anythng obviously bad about it but I have never actually
downloaded anything from it. I have found to
be one of the best places to look for freeware. Although they have
shareware, it is listed completely separate from the freeware. They
also have an adware/spyware policy here:

I have downloaded a lot of stuff from snapfiles and never found any
malware in it. All I can say is be sure to download screensavers and
desktop themes from trusted sites. Never donload freeware from an
advertisement or a pop up. If you want desktop themes, I consider a trusted site.


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