Free Online Storage



Does anyone know of a good free online storage website that I could use
to backup critical files.

Thanks in advance for your help.

El Gee

Shane said:
Does anyone know of a good free online storage website that I could use
to backup critical files.

Thanks in advance for your help.

While I applaud you for asking, I am not sure I would risk "critical"
files with "free" online storage. Depending on how much you have to
back up, CD-ROM's may be your answer.

El Gee // <><
Know Christ, Know Peace - No Christ, No Peace
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El said:
While I applaud you for asking, I am not sure I would risk "critical"
files with "free" online storage. Depending on how much you have to
back up, CD-ROM's may be your answer.
There are not what I would call ultra-critical. I would encrypt before
uploading then as a layer of protection and I already have these files
back up on an external hard drive but I need a convent way to back them
up off site, in case anything would happen to my external hard drive.
You do bring up a good point through that I had not really given too
much thought to I will have to consider this. Thanks for you post.


Shane said:
Does anyone know of a good free online storage website that I could use to
backup critical files.

Thanks in advance for your help.

With the free service, files are deleted after no one downloads them for 30
With the premium service, they aren't deleted unless you delete them.


Shane said:
Does anyone know of a good free online storage website that I could use
to backup critical files.


You might like PBwiki --

It offers 10.5 mb of free storage (with a password). It's very simple
to upload files. I use a PBwiki to make it easier to get to files I use
while teaching (much better than hunting for the usb port for my
thumbdrive). I also recommend it to my students as a good way to backup
their work for classes (if they lose a disk or thumbdrive, their work
is still available).


google mail = 2gb and growing by the minute. there's a little program
too that you can install that makes your account a virtual drive so you
can simply drag and drop. I'm archiving all my family videos and
pictures... after CDs of course... just another backup, nothing to

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