Frame sizes


Grant Turri-Petrie

Hi All,
Can anybody tell me how to make frames a fixed size - veiwing at 600x800 the
page looks great, but change to 1024x768 and the frame all expand to fit the
screen and it looks terrible. I've tried setting the frame size in pixiles,
but this doesn't seem to make any difference. Help really appreciated!!

Stefan B Rusynko

Only by "boxing" it in w/ outer frames
You would need 1 fixed 600x800 frame surrounded by 4 variable (*) frames (as backgrounds) that can expand a higher resolutions


| Hi All,
| Can anybody tell me how to make frames a fixed size - veiwing at 600x800 the
| page looks great, but change to 1024x768 and the frame all expand to fit the
| screen and it looks terrible. I've tried setting the frame size in pixiles,
| but this doesn't seem to make any difference. Help really appreciated!!
| Grant

Grant Turri-Petrie

Thanks for the help. I'll give what you suggest a try.

Stefan B Rusynko said:
Only by "boxing" it in w/ outer frames
You would need 1 fixed 600x800 frame surrounded by 4 variable (*) frames
(as backgrounds) that can expand a higher resolutions

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