Fraction Format



I have 3 fields (size dimensions) in my database that print on a part report.
When Engineers enter data it is in decimal format but the materials dept
would like to see it in fractions on a setup request report.

I have downloaded the following "neatcode" but don't know enough about VB to
know how to use the code or where to put it.

Function Num2FracA(X, Denominator As Long)
' Converts a decimal number to a fraction but doesn't normalize it.
' i.e. 3 2/4 -> 3 2/4
Dim Temp As String, Fixed As Double, Numerator As Long
If (VarType(X) < 2) Or (VarType(X) > 6) Then
Num2FracA = X
Exit Function
End If
X = Abs(X)
Fixed = Int(X)
Numerator = Int((X - Fixed) * Denominator + 0.5) 'Arithmatic rounding
If Numerator = Denominator Then
Fixed = Fixed + 1
Numerator = 0
End If
If Fixed > 0 Then
Temp = Str(Fixed)
End If
If Numerator > 0 Then
Temp = Temp & " " & Numerator & "/" & Denominator
End If
Num2FracA = Temp
End Function

Function Num2FracB(X, ByVal Denominator As Long)
' Converts a decimal number to a fraction and normalizes it.
' i.e. 3 2/4 -> 3 1/2
Dim Temp As String, Fixed As Double, Numerator As Long, Factor As Long
If (VarType(X) < 2) Or (VarType(X) > 6) Then
Num2FracB = X
Exit Function
End If
X = Abs(X)
Fixed = Int(X)
Numerator = Int((X - Fixed) * Denominator + 0.5) 'Arithmatic rounding
If Numerator = Denominator Then
Fixed = Fixed + 1
Numerator = 0
End If
If Fixed > 0 Then
Temp = Str(Fixed)
End If
If Numerator > 0 Then
Factor = GCF(Numerator, Denominator)
Temp = Temp & " " & Numerator / Factor & "/" & Denominator / Factor
End If
Num2FracB = Temp
End Function

Any help is much appreciated.

Roger Carlson

Where you put it:
Create a General Module in the Modules tab of the Database Window. Paste
the code there.

How to use it:
It all depends on how you plan to use it. Is each number in a separate
field? Do you display them in separate controls on a report or concatenated
into one control? How would you display the numbers in Decimal format? If
you can tell me that, I should be able to show you how to use the functions.

--Roger Carlson
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I use them as 3 separate fields in my forms with the Engineers entering them
as decimals. They were set up that way to calculate square footage, truck
loads, etc. but I want them to be converted to fractions, in their own
separate fields, on a Parts report so the Materials Dept. doesn't have to do
a conversion when typing text descriptions that include the sizes.

Roger Carlson

OK then. You could use the functions in a query which feeds the report, or
in controls on the report. I'd suggest a query. Something like this:

SELECT Field1, Field2, Num2FracB([YourTable].[Your1stDimension],16) AS
Num2FracB([YourTable].[Your2ndDimension],16) AS Your2ndDimension,
Num2FracB([YourTable].[Your3rdDimension],16) AS Your3rdDimension
Field3, Field4 FROM YourTable

Now, of course, you will have to substitute your actual table and field
Field1, Field2, etc. should be the other fields in your table
Your1stDimesion, etc. should be the actual dimension field names,
and YourTable should be substituted with your actual table name.

--Roger Carlson
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I use them as 3 separate fields in my forms with the Engineers entering them
as decimals. They were set up that way to calculate square footage, truck
loads, etc. but I want them to be converted to fractions, in their own
separate fields, on a Parts report so the Materials Dept. doesn't have to do
a conversion when typing text descriptions that include the sizes.

Try this.
Copy the following code into a new Module.

Public Function DecimalToFrac(DecimalIn) As String

'Convert decimal 1.5 to Fraction 1 1/2

Dim strWholePart As String
Dim varNumerator As Variant
Dim lngDenominator As Long
Dim intX As Integer
strWholePart = Int(DecimalIn)
intX = InStr([DecimalIn], ".")

If intX = 0 Or IsError(Mid([DecimalIn], intX + 1)) Then
DecimalToFrac = strWholePart
Exit Function
End If

varNumerator = Mid(DecimalIn, InStr(DecimalIn, ".") + 1)
lngDenominator = 1 & String(1 * Len(varNumerator), "0")

Do While lngDenominator Mod 5 = 0 And varNumerator Mod 5 = 0
varNumerator = varNumerator / 5
lngDenominator = lngDenominator / 5

Do While lngDenominator Mod 2 = 0 And varNumerator Mod 2 = 0
varNumerator = varNumerator / 2
lngDenominator = lngDenominator / 2

DecimalToFrac = strWholePart & " " & varNumerator & "/" &

End Function

Name the module mdlFractions

You can call it from a query, using:

In the control source of an unbound control"\:
= DecimalToFrac([DecimalfieldName])

Results look like this:

DecimalField Fraction
12.36 12 9/25
63.125 63 1/8
100 100
3692.12 3692 3/25
1.5 1 1/2
1.25 1 1/4
10.33 10 33/100
125.485 125 97/200

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