FP2K Include Webbot problems with SSL




I am having problems with the frontpage 2K include webbot. FWIW I
will briefly mention that regular FP webbot includes were not working
until I discovered on one of my pages it did work and the only thing
that was different was an HTML <!-- --> comment on the line
immediately following the webbot tag. I added a comment after every
other webbot tag on all other pages and thus they then worked. I have
NO idea what that was all about, but I'm just happy to have them
working. Enlighten me if this is a known issue.

No on to the current problem. Includes on certain pages secured by
SSL will give the browser message that some items are non-secure and
prompts the user whether or not to view the non-secure items. I
understand this as the include file and associated pics on that page
are what's causing the problem.

Here's my delimma. I used absolute hyperlinks in all the webbots so I
would not have to place a copy of the included file in every directory
when using a relative link (which would likely solve this problem). I
generally hate bots, but since too many of my pages were already named
..htm, not .shtml and also already indexed in search engines as .htm
files I settled for using the bot.

Well I thought it would be a simple fix by changing the hyperlink to
the included file to be called from the secure server with an HTTPS,
but strangely, that doesnt work. I just get text appearing on the
final page in the form
[https://sharedcert.webhost.com/mydomainname.com/dir/file.htm]. It
doesnt give the error anymore because it obviously isn't loading the
file. Why? Is there something different about calling it from an SSL
server or because the certificate is shared?

In addition, I realized, that the page in question was one of the very
few .asp pages I have and so, thinking I was smart <g>, I just
replaced the webbot with the <!-- #include file="" --> syntax that
works fine in my other .asp pages, but this gave me a 500 Server Error
and thus nothing would display. Again I am perplexed. Any ideas
where I may be going wrong? My web host is using Win2K servers with
IIS5.0 and FP extensions are installed and functioning fine in all
other cases/pages.


Thomas A. Rowe

All link in the include will need to be relative, to avoid the warning
message, also by using absolute URL, FP will not manage any of these links.

FP Includes only work within the current web. The best solution is place a
copy of all includes and any images used within the current web.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Jim said:

I am having problems with the frontpage 2K include webbot. FWIW I
will briefly mention that regular FP webbot includes were not working
until I discovered on one of my pages it did work and the only thing
that was different was an HTML <!-- --> comment on the line
immediately following the webbot tag. I added a comment after every
other webbot tag on all other pages and thus they then worked. I have
NO idea what that was all about, but I'm just happy to have them
working. Enlighten me if this is a known issue.

No on to the current problem. Includes on certain pages secured by
SSL will give the browser message that some items are non-secure and
prompts the user whether or not to view the non-secure items. I
understand this as the include file and associated pics on that page
are what's causing the problem.

Here's my delimma. I used absolute hyperlinks in all the webbots so I
would not have to place a copy of the included file in every directory
when using a relative link (which would likely solve this problem). I
generally hate bots, but since too many of my pages were already named
.htm, not .shtml and also already indexed in search engines as .htm
files I settled for using the bot.

Well I thought it would be a simple fix by changing the hyperlink to
the included file to be called from the secure server with an HTTPS,
but strangely, that doesnt work. I just get text appearing on the
final page in the form
[https://sharedcert.webhost.com/mydomainname.com/dir/file.htm]. It
doesnt give the error anymore because it obviously isn't loading the
file. Why? Is there something different about calling it from an SSL
server or because the certificate is shared?

In addition, I realized, that the page in question was one of the very
few .asp pages I have and so, thinking I was smart <g>, I just
replaced the webbot with the <!-- #include file="" --> syntax that
works fine in my other .asp pages, but this gave me a 500 Server Error
and thus nothing would display. Again I am perplexed. Any ideas
where I may be going wrong? My web host is using Win2K servers with
IIS5.0 and FP extensions are installed and functioning fine in all
other cases/pages.


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