FP2003 Unable to "Publish Web" site



Using Frontpage 2003. Using www.isp.com (<--- that is the
real isp name vs. fictitious) as my dialup isp on my
workstation. Using www.iPowerweb.com as my website host.

Performing the following task in FrontPage 2003.

1. Open FrontPage
2. Go to "File"
3. Go to "Publish Web"
4. Using http://www.mydomain.com as the publish
destination vs. ftp or ip address.
5. Never get my "Enter your userid and password" dialogue
box? Therefore, unable to publish my website from my
dialup client to my host server on the Internet.

Getting the generic FrontPage 2003 error that there is 4
possible reasons. Server extensions are not installed,
server not available etc. etc. etc.

If I install FrontPage 2003 on a phsically DIFFERENT
workstation using a DIFFERENT ISP, "Publish Web" works
using the http://www.mydomain.com as the publish method.

That leaves two possibilities: The workstation or the ISP.
The workstation is XP with the firewall DISABLED, no other
firewall software installed, Propel accelerator is
DISABLED and Norton Antivirus ENABLED.

Any ideas on what to try to resolve the problem?

chris leeds

although it may sound simplistic, and forgive me if you've already tried it:
help/ detect and repair

it's cured all kinds of problems for me over the years.


Thanks for the reply....

I sti\umled accross the fix last night after staring at
the monitor for about 2 hours.

It was my ISP's automatic setup I downloaded and used to
setup my connection with them months ago.

The problem was using FrontPage 2003 and trying to connect
to www.apexpowersports.com via the http:// "Publish Site"
command in FrontPage.

First, close all programs. Next, open Internet Explorer.
Next, open the Tools menu. Next, select the Internet
Options. sub menu.

Next, select the Connections tab. Next, highlight the Dial-
up and Virtual Network settings ISP and click on the
Settings button.

Next, click on the Advanced. button in the Proxy server
area in the middle of the menu.

Now, under the Exceptions box at the bottom of the menu
area, add the entry for your website to be excluded from
the HTTP: localhost Port of 8080. In this case the
excluded website is www.mywebsite.com

Finally, start up FrontPage 2003 and retry the "Publish
Website" command.

chris leeds

yeesh! sounds like a lot of work. I hope I don't have to ever do that
myself. ;-)

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