FP2003 Jump Menues



I appologize if this is a repeat - I couldn't find my original pos

Using behaviors, Jump Menus (i.e. Drop-Down boxes) have the following properties
- if the onclick action is set, then opening the Jump Men
causes the selected item to be acted on
- only the onchange action seems to work the way I want

However, the only way I can make a Jump Menu look and work properly (almost) is to include a dummy element, mark it as selected, and set its value to "#" (which, if selected, causes a new copy of the current window to open)

1) Can I make a Jump Menu, which looks and works properl
without including a dummy element

1) If I need a dummy element, what value can I use that will cause no action

3) The Jump Menu dialog box has a validation button which inserts a web bo
in the code but which doesn't seem to do anything - what is this for

4) Where can I find documentation of FP Behaviors


Mark Fitzpatrick

The # is the correct dummy element. It tells the browser to point to the
current page and access the bookmark that follows the #. Since there is no
bookmark (like #top) to point to a named anchor on the page, then it will
just do nothing.

The jump menu is just a drop-down list with a script. Drop-down lists, like
all other form elements, have validation options. In this case, it's
uselesss to have a validaiton since you're not requiring that the user makes
a selection as part of a form, you're just using the drop-down to cause a
navigation effect.

Other than the MS help files, there is more information at:
and a great jump menu outline at:

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

Steve Scheele said:
I appologize if this is a repeat - I couldn't find my original post

Using behaviors, Jump Menus (i.e. Drop-Down boxes) have the following properties.
- if the onclick action is set, then opening the Jump Menu
causes the selected item to be acted on.
- only the onchange action seems to work the way I want.

However, the only way I can make a Jump Menu look and work properly
(almost) is to include a dummy element, mark it as selected, and set its
value to "#" (which, if selected, causes a new copy of the current window to


Thanks for the info.

My Jump Menu contains hyperlinks which open in a new window. Because of that, # does not act as a dummy element. Rather it opens a copy of the current window. Perhaps that is the best I can do - at least, using the FP Jump Menu.

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