FP2002 Include WebBot


Dana Nelson

I have a FP2002 created website hosted on a Win2k server
with FP extentions. The site uses include pages for both
a top title section and a side link bar. The website has
no frames. All of the links in the included link bar are
set to the page default of "nothing", so they open in the
same browser window.

The other day I was messing around with some re-design
ideas including frames with included content. I abandoned
the test pages, but since publishing these pages, the
included links on my home page all open in a new window.
Also, all pages on my site that had HREF links with the
page default settings have a line added target="contents"

I manually removed every target="contents" line from
every single page in the site, and the links from the
home page were still kicking off in a new browser window.
I looked at the source again, and all of the target lines
were back just like magic! I went around this loop a few
more times with just the home page.removing the lines,
them watching them re-appear again after publishing the
changed page.

I published a copy of my home page default.asp that I had
from back in October - and behold.same problem still

If you navigate the site from with-in the new page that
is kicked off, everything works fine.

It looks as if the FrontPage server is compiling/parsing
the code in default.asp the first time it is requested by
a browser and adding the line target="contents" to any
HREF that does not already have a target specified.
Having a target default specified for the page does not
seem to help this from happening either. The link bar on
the left is actually an include page, and does not
contain any target="contents" lines itself.

Kevin Spencer

You probably specified that "Contents" should be the default target frame
for all links. Select One of the links, set the target frame property to
"none" and check the box that indicates that this should be the default.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.


That was the first thing that I tried but it didn't work. The odd thing is that once you click on the first link and a new window opens, you can browse through the rest of the site just fine from that new window - including going back to the home page and click on links with no new windows opening (except where they are suppossed to with a target="_new" tag). Everything stays in that new window from that point on. You can try browsing the site at http://www.setoncatholicschool.org/default.as



I tried a Find+Replace on


for the whole web in case I had missed any the first time around. Working like a charm right now!

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