FP2002 & FAT32, help



Have been using FP2002 on Win XP Pro on FAT32. Had several webs.
Deleted one to clean it up. Went to publish from online web to my local
machine to rebuild the web. Got a message saying I needed to remove
extensions and convert to NTFS.

I tried creating an empty web on my local system to try to publish to it,
but could not even create an empty web because I got the same message about
the NTFS.

Did a service patch do something that has me in a jam until I create an NTFS
system? Or is there some other problem? Is there a way I can get back to
creating and working on webs on my FAT32 system?

Thomas A. Rowe

In the web that you are publish are there any permissions set for say; file upload, database, etc.
these require that the extensions be able to set, which can't be done under FAT32, only NTFS.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Thanks for the response.
I first noticed this in a web that does use an .asp and a databse. However,
when I tried to create an empty web on the local workstation, I got the same
message about needing to convert to NTFS. What is confusing to me is that
this system has been doing webs on a FAT32 disk for a long time, and I never
had a problem before. I wondered if a critical update or something stopped
my create any webs on this system. Is there a way to get back to be able to
use this FAT32 system that worked so well before this?


Kevin Spencer

Hi Cindy,

It is quite possible that a Critical Update caused this change. FAT32 is not
a secure file system. I would suggest upgrading to NTFS. Time marches on...

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

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