FP03 cable publishing and ASP.NET


Dennis Blondell

Two questions really.

1) I have just got a cable Internet connection (2mbps) and was hoping it
would speed up FP publishing sites, but it still publishes at 3-5kps. Is it
my host? or a funky setting in FP that I can't find?

2) ASP.NET again... Anyone found a work around yet for editing within
ASP:DATALIST and ASP:pANEL, etc. tags in Design View? It really is a pain to
search through all the code (100s of lines) to find a little bit of html
within those tags.

Cheers from 'Middle Earth'

chris leeds

nothing on #1 but on #2 you may want to hit your tag quickly in code view
with an edit/ find on the tag you suspect, like a <p> or <font

PS the .net stuff absolutely kills me. I'm having a difficult
time.....actually thinking of taking a class!

Dennis Blondell

Thanks Chris, but even then it is a real hassle when all I wana do is change
some text or align cells better.

I'm thinking of setting FP and Dreamweaver (It has similar troubles) to edit
asp.net pages in Visual Studio.NET. That might help but I haven't installed
it yet as I spent too much on FP and StudioMX2004 and I suppose a little
scared to use it.

I can only just follow what my programmer does in asp.net not code anything
myself yet which really annoys me as he often leaves out things and I have
to clean up messes. He is my nephew though so I can be too hard on him.

A class on asp.net would be useful if we have time :) but a book about using
VisualStudio.NET but targeting web designers would be more useful (Ahem,
hint hint :)

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