FP Media Player Add In



My post about this went unanswered about 4 days ago so thought I would try
again. I have downloaded Media Player 10 plus the Media Player Add in for
Front Page but I am unable to make this add in work. My OS is Windows XP Pro
and using Front Page 2003. I am trying to apply this add in to webs that I
have created on my local hard drive. Most of the time, the "Insert>Windows
Media Player" option is greyed out. It is very erratic in that every once in
a while it will work and allow me to get the Media Player Wizard open. One
thing it is consistent about is that it will not allow me to put it on a
newly opened web that has been saved. The reason I say "saved" is because
every once in a while when the option is not greyed out, it gives me an error
message that the add in cannot be applied to an unsaved web.

I also tried opening a web live and the Media Player add in option is still
greyed out. Any help with this will be appreciated.

Jim Buyens

Choose Page Options from the Tools menu, then click the
Authoring tab. Then, make sure that the drop-down lists
are set to Custom, Custom, and IE5, and that all the
check boxes are selected.

You might also want to look at:

Displaying Video Files

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)


Thanks for the reply, I got it to work :) ......Authoring was set up ok. It
was very close to the way you explained it on your web site. I did the
following: Insert>Web Component>Add Components. This (add comonents
selection)displayed the Windows Media Player under the list of "choose a
component". When I cliked on finish, it opened the Media Player Wizard.
Thanks again for your help.

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