FP 2003: Prefilling fields on a hyperlink



FrontPage 2003

I have a hyperlink setup on our company's website to another webpage. I
need to prefill some of the fields on the form on the destination webpage
that I hyperlink to. How can I do this? The fields are an account # type of
field, account name field, etc (there are about 2-4 fields) which are static
because the account # etc are relative to the SENDER (us) and it's used to
track where the click-thrus/requests come from. This can also be used for
lead tracking, too.

Mark Fitzpatrick

You can't pre-fill them. All you could do is to pass the information as
variables in a querystring, but that is not useful for pre-filling, it only
works for submitting and may not even work on this form so it shouldn't be
tried. In a nutshell, there's nothing in HTML that will enable you to
pre-fill a form. You may ask the company that provides the form if they have
any parameters that you can pass to the page and how, but it's probably
doubtful they do.

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


You could use a cookie on the clients system, and some javascript on the
form page, no?



If I understand your post, you want to establish a hyperlink that, when
clicked takes you to a specific page on an external website that is reached
by filling out a form which then passes fields to reach the desired page.

You might want to try navigating to that page via the form required then,
once at the desired page, copy thhe address from your browser address bar and
use this as the hyperlink address.

For instance, if I want to create a hyperlink that when clicked would bring
up your post, I would navigate to it or search the NG for "TIA". Once at the
post, I would copy thhe URL from the browser address bar,

Bear in mind, if there is any kind of security on te destination page, it
will likely redirect you back too thhe log in page if you use this method.
Give it a whirl and see if it works.
Hope this helps.

Stefan B Rusynko

There is no way to pass form field values to a page that is not set up to read them (cookies or script)


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| You could use a cookie on the clients system, and some javascript on the
| form page, no?
| --
| Murray
| --------------
| MVP FrontPage
| | > You can't pre-fill them. All you could do is to pass the information as
| > variables in a querystring, but that is not useful for pre-filling, it
| > only works for submitting and may not even work on this form so it
| > shouldn't be tried. In a nutshell, there's nothing in HTML that will
| > enable you to pre-fill a form. You may ask the company that provides the
| > form if they have any parameters that you can pass to the page and how,
| > but it's probably doubtful they do.
| >
| > Hope this helps,
| > Mark Fitzpatrick
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >
| > | >> FrontPage 2003
| >>
| >> I have a hyperlink setup on our company's website to another webpage. I
| >> need to prefill some of the fields on the form on the destination webpage
| >> that I hyperlink to. How can I do this? The fields are an account #
| >> type of
| >> field, account name field, etc (there are about 2-4 fields) which are
| >> static
| >> because the account # etc are relative to the SENDER (us) and it's used
| >> to
| >> track where the click-thrus/requests come from. This can also be used
| >> for
| >> lead tracking, too.
| >> TIA,
| >
| >

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