Forward Declarations in Managed C++



Hi again,

Maybe I missed something, but I cannot do a forward declaration in managed

By doing:

namespace Namespace

public __gc class A; // forward declaration

public __gc class B // B class, that uses A in constructor
public: B(A* a) : mA(a) {}
private A* mA;

public __gc class A // A class definition


Results in the following errors:

* warning C4677: 'B': signature of non-private function contains assembly
private type 'Namespace::A'
* see declaration of 'Namaspace::A'
* assembly access specifier modified from 'private'

A is clearly forward-declarated as public.

Any clue?


Tomas Restrepo \(MVP\)

Libertadrian said:
Hi again,

Maybe I missed something, but I cannot do a forward declaration in managed

By doing:

namespace Namespace

public __gc class A; // forward declaration

public __gc class B // B class, that uses A in constructor
public: B(A* a) : mA(a) {}
private A* mA;

public __gc class A // A class definition


Results in the following errors:

* warning C4677: 'B': signature of non-private function contains assembly
private type 'Namespace::A'
* see declaration of 'Namaspace::A'
* assembly access specifier modified from 'private'

A is clearly forward-declarated as public.

Any clue?

Your code, as is, compiles fine (adding a missing : in B), and gives no
The error only pops up if, when forward declaring A, you ommit the "public"
specifier, so that it defaults to private and then conflicts with the use of
it and how it is later defined.


Thanks Thomas (x2)!!!

Yep, I reviewed my code (not the same I pasted here), and I found I was doing:

public __gc class B // B class, that uses A in constructor
public: B(class A* a) : mA(a) {}
private: A* mA;

// the 'class A*' in B::ctor (old style fwd-decl) was causing trouble.

But even removing that, I got

"assembly access specifier modified from 'private'"

You don't get any warnings? How come?


Forget the previous post, I found I was also doing

private: class *A mA;

in class B.


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