


Hi Roger
When i go into Microsoft IE i always get loads of popups,
and screen freezes, even though i have spybot and ad-
In Windows Updates, there is no "examine and recommend".
When i click "Review & Install", i get popups and screen
freeze for a bit.
It shows me there are (5) windows xp.... and (1) driver
None of the (5) are critical updates.
I hope you can help.

Hi Blondie
What happens if you let it examine and recommend
instead of show you the history ?

in message Part II
Ive just got into Updates.
Checked Installation History (1st time ever)
It seems on the 29th August there are several (35)
security updates marked 'Failed'.
What do I do to get these installed?

Roger Abell

What I refered to as examine and recommend is actually a link
in the main window to scan for updates.

It sounds like your IE is badly hijacked.
I am going to refer you to the MVP that is the font of IE info
is Sandi's page with a check for IE parasites link on it.
her repository of IE info begins at
and she inhabits IE newsgroups if you cannot ferret it out
based on the info at the website.

I will not be much help for you as, knock on wood, I have
never had my IE hijack nor caught a virus on a machine,
so I am not much for identifying which you may have.

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