FormView Questions


Q. John Chen

I have a table T with following columns for example
ID, ParentID, ApptDateTime, UpdatedBy

On formView I want display the ApptDate and Time seperately with two

In itemTemplate, I can do this:
Text='<%# Eval("ApptDateTime", "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}") %>' (for date
Text='<%# Eval("ApptDateTime", "{0:HH:mm}") %>' (for
time part)
I set the textboxes Readonly so user can not change the values.

In insertTemplate, I can do this:
Text='<%# Bind("ApptDate") %>' (for date part)
Text='<%# Bind("ApptTime") %>' (for time part)

I am using ObjectDataSource. I can add code to combine the values in
the InsertMethod.
But how can bind the
ParentID with is key in GridView
UpdateBy which I can get from the user credential.

In editTemplate, What do I do in this situation? Do I have to change
the SQL so the date and time is already seperated,
i.e. "Selete ApptDateTime as ApptDate, ApptDateTime as ApptTime ..." in



display the apptDate and Time seperatly like "11/9/2006 at 10:00".

in editTemplate and insertTemplate, I want show two textboxes,
ApptDateTextBox and ApptTimeTextBox.

Q. John Chen

For ParentID and UpdatedBy, I figured out:
in ItemInserting event, add them to the e.Values collection.

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