


I am attempting to get results from the following spreadsheet:

Column D Column N
Product No. Date Sold
11 4/15/04
11 5/15/04
11 9/30/04
18 2/22/04
18 7/4/04
18 8/28/04

I have the total number of product no. 11 sold. From the above data I need
to find out how many of Product No. 11 was sold prior to 5/25/04 and how many
were sold after 5/25/04. I've tried COUNTIF, SUM(IF), COUNT(IF), SUMPRODUCT
as array formulas and not. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Bob Phillips


for prior to 25th April, > for after (you will have to decide where the =


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

Roger Govier

Hi Terri

One way
This assumes the data in column D is numeric. If it is text, then wrap
the 11 in quotes "11".
Change the operator to <= if you want to also include 5/25/04.
Repeat the procedure with operator changed to > to find answer for after
Change size of ranges to suit, but keep them of equal length.


Thanks for replying - all information was helpful. My report is complete now.
Thanks again.

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