Formulas for Multiple sheets in a workbook



Am creating a wookbook with muliple sheets (50) and want to link info from
sheet 1 to sheet 2 and from sheet 2 to sheet 3, etc. On shhet 2 I am using
the following formula: 'Sheet 1'!A2, 'Sheet 1'!etc. Not all the info needs to
transferred... some rows have daily info to be typed in daily. How do I
create new sheets without having to change the formula in each cell by
changing: 'Sheet 1'!A2 to 'Sheet 2'!A2. Any help would be great. This
workbook is a daily report that has some info that changes daily and some
that does not change.

Thanks, Gary


this might be a good place for the indirect() function
have a column with the number of the sheet you want to reference
and in the equation
=indirect("'Sheet " & A1 & "'cell")

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