


I'd like to get the sum of a range of cells when two conditions from two
different columns are met.

i.e: if w3:w28=2, and X3:w28=56000, then sum of those cells that are meeting
the two previous conditions.

I have this formula: =IF(AND($W$3:$W$28=2,$X$3:$X$28=56000),SUM(R3:R28))
which gives me the sum of all the cells from r3 to r28. I'd just want the sum
of the cell that meet the two previous conditions. Does this make sense? can
someone help?


I'm not quite sure what condition you want the cells in col X and Col W
to meet to have the corresponding cell in col r added to the sum.

Could you perhaps show a small example?


The first two arguments are arrays of 1/0 (1 indicating a match, 0 a
mismatch). So the sumproduct winds up adding those elements of R where both
columns W and X match.
HTH. --Bruce

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