FOrmula to work out pricing rounding up and down



I have a formula in cell that reads "=IF(C7>0,"FOC",-C7*1.175)" it
turns a negative into a Positive and a Positive FIgure into answer of
"FOC" Sometimes it will display a result of £2 or £5.50 or whatever
the figure when the original answer is a negative.

With me so far!!

The result which is displayed as a number i need it to round up t the
nearest 9.99.

For example

if c7 is £4.00 display answer of 9.99
if c7 is £11.00 display answer of 19.99
if c7 is £28.43 display answer of 29.99

So no matter what the answer is it rounds up to the 9.99 answer

Please Help

Sandy Mann




This will return "FOC" for zero or an empty cell. If you want a zero
returned in those circumstances then use:



In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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I have a formula in cell that reads "=IF(C7>0,"FOC",-C7*1.175)" it
turns a negative into a Positive and a Positive FIgure into answer of
"FOC" Sometimes it will display a result of £2 or £5.50 or whatever
the figure when the original answer is a negative.

With me so far!!

The result which is displayed as a number i need it to round up t the
nearest 9.99.

For example

if c7 is £4.00 display answer of 9.99
if c7 is £11.00 display answer of 19.99
if c7 is £28.43 display answer of 29.99

So no matter what the answer is it rounds up to the 9.99 answer

Please Help

Sandy Mann

You're welcome - thanks for the feedback.


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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(e-mail address removed) with


Many Thanks its taking me days to work on that. Thanks for your help


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