Formula to calutale overtime?


Bob Phillips

Does percentage come into this?



Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)


Michael said:
I am currently paying my employees on a percentage basis. However, my new
payroll company is requesting that I turn in hours for employees.
How can I calculate the following in excel (if possible).
John Doe made $1,200 at 37% in one week however if I track his hours he
worked 50 hours that week.
What is his pay at 40 hours to find out his overtime.

I think you need to turn to your state's labor laws first to understand
the requirement. Then we might be able to help with the formulation.
For example, for Calif, the following rules apply (see , which may or may not be
current law):

<Begin Quote>
In California, the general overtime provisions are that a nonexempt
employee 18 years of age or older, or any minor employee 16 or 17 years
of age who is not required by law to attend school and is not otherwise
prohibited by law from engaging in the subject work, shall not be
employed more than eight hours in any workday or more than 40 hours in
any workweek unless he or she receives one and one-half times his or
her regular rate of pay for all hours worked over eight hours in any
workday and over 40 hours in the workweek. Eight hours of labor
constitutes a day's work, and employment beyond eight hours in any
workday or more than six days in any workweek is permissible provided
the employee is compensated for the overtime at not less than:

One and one-half times the employee's regular rate or pay for all hours
worked in excess of eight hours up to and including 12 hours in any
workday, and for the first eight hours worked on the seventh
consecutive day of work in a workweek; and
Double the employee's regular rate or pay for all hours worked in
excess of 12 hours in any workday and for all hours worked in excess of
eight on the seventh consecutive day of work in a workweek.

There are, however, a number of exemptions from the overtime law.


If you are paid by the piece or commission, either of the following
methods may be used to determine the regular rate of pay for purposes
of computing overtime:

The piece or commission rate is used as the regular rate and you are
paid one and one-half this rate for production during the first four
overtime hours in a workday, and double time for all hours worked
beyond 12 in a workday; or

Divide your total earnings for the workweek, including earnings during
overtime hours, by the total hours worked during the workweek,
including the overtime hours. For each overtime hour worked you are
entitled to an additional one-half the regular rate for hours requiring
time and one-half, and to the full rate for hours requiring double
<End Quote>

(IMHO, the last clause should be "to __an_additional__ full rate for
hours requiring double time".)

As you can see, the computation can be quite complicated. But other
states might have much simpler rules.

Bob Phillips

The regular pay rate is calculated as


Regular pay then becomes


Overtime is then just

=pay - regular_pay


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)


Here's a basic sheet that should give you what you want.

Pay hrs worked Reg Hrs Hrly Rate Reg Pay OT Rate OT Hrs OT pay
1200 50 =C3-H3 =B3/(D3+H3*1.5) =E3*D3 =E3*1.5 =IF(C3-40>=0,C3-40,0)



oops, that didn't come out too well, try it this way:

Column labels:

B2 : "Pay"
C2 : "hrs worked"
D2 : "Reg hrs"
E2 : "Hrly Rate"
F2 : "Reg Pay"
G2 : "OT Rate"
H2 : "OT Hours"
I2 : "OT Pay"

Input values and formulas

B3 : $1200.00
C3 : 50
D3 : =C3-H3
E3 : =B3/(D3+H3*1.5)
F3 : =E3*D3
G3 : =E3*1.5
H3 : =IF(C3-40>=0,C3-40,0)
I3 : =H3*G3


Hi Michael,

In A1 put money earned i.e 1400 in your example
In B1 put hours worked i.e. 50 in your example
In C1 put this formula =A1/(((B1-40)*1.5)+40)

This returns a pay rate of 25.25 per hour
40 x 25.25 = $1018.18
10 x 1.5 x 25.25 = $381.82
Total = $1400.00

The formula falls down if you work less than 40 hours



Woops! Typo correction 25.25 should be 25.45,

Also if you want it to handle less than 40 hours
and assuming that less than 40 hours would require
no overtime component, then use a formula like this.



Michael Hemphill


I am currently paying my employees on a percentage basis. However, my new
payroll company is requesting that I turn in hours for employees. Because
my staff is paid on a percentage basis they can work as much or a little as
they wish.

How can I calculate the following in excel (if possible).

John Doe made $1,200 at 37% in one week however if I track his hours he
worked 50 hours that week.

What is his pay at 40 hours to find out his overtime.

Obviously, I can eventually find the answer using a calculator but I
currently employee 30 percentage employees and the figures are rarely that

Any help would be much appreciated.


Michael Hemphill

No. the percentage won't need to be apart of the formula.

My payroll company is warning me that if I don't track overtime that
disgruntled employees may try to say I never paid overtime.

The reality is that I pay them a percentage of the job and they can work as
much or as little as they wish.

Maybe a better example would be:

Employee makes $1,100. and worked 50 hours. Using a calculator I figured
out that the employee made $800 in 40 hours and $300 at 10 hours of
overtime. ($20 reg pay and $30 for overtime).

I need a formula that determines the hourly income and overtime income at
time in a half to equal their total pay.

More examples:

Employee 1 - made $1,400. worked 50 hours. How much is his hourly income
to figure out his overtime pay.

Hope this helps. Sorry so wordy

Michael Hemphill

Works great thanks!
Bob Phillips said:
The regular pay rate is calculated as


Regular pay then becomes


Overtime is then just

=pay - regular_pay


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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