formula support needed



i have created a workbook that consist of 13 worksheets, (12 months and 1
total sheet) to help keep track of employee absent days. I am using alpha
characters (ie V = Vacation, S = Sick) to determine the missed day. I would
like for my workbook to add up each "V" taken and calcualted on my "total"
sheet. HELP????
my email is "(e-mail address removed)"


Hi Johnny:

A pivot table can help you.

Let's say you have two columns on a worksheet. Column A has either "V" or
"S" in each cell. Column B has hours in each cell. Put a label on top of
each column "Code" and "Hours".

the formula =SUMIF(A1:A1000,"=s",B1:B1000) will return the sum of the "s"
calues and =SUMIF(A1:A1000,"=v",B1:B1000)
will return the sum of the "v" values.

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