Formula referencing deleted row (move up automatically)



I have a list of items with values:

aaa . 5 . 7 fixed value=5 computed cell = 7 (fixed + 2 e.g.)
bbb . 4 . 11 fixed value = 4, computed cell = 4 + 7
ccc . 2 . 13 fixed value = 2, computed cell = 11 + 2

I want users to be able to delete e.g. row bbb and have all the data move up
but when I do that the ccc computed cell shows #REF.

Is there a way to get the cell to reference the one above it and not the
deleted cell?
So, if bbb was deleted, the computed cell for ccc would = 7 + 2?


Assuming the 5 and 7 in your example appear in A2 and B2, and all your
'constant' values are in column A, then paste this formula into B3


then copy it down as far in column B as you need it

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