Formula Question



Okay, I don't really know how to word this, so I'm sorry if it sounds awkward.

I'm trying to set up Excel so that it can basically be my checkbook registry
so that I don't mess up the math. So, I have a column for debits (D), one for
credits (E) and one for the running balance (F).

Is there a forumla that I can apply to column F that will see what's in D
and E for that row, add or subtract what's there, and then apply that to the
previous row's F? Or do I just have to do separate forumlas for each row...?


In your very 1st Row you could enter your debits and credits and this formula
in column F: =E2-D2 (assuming your data starts in row two due to headings.)

Then in the next cell down in column F put this formula: =F2+E3-D3
Then copy this formula down as needed in column F. It should look at your
previous balance (in F) then add the credit and subtract the debit to create
a new balance.


That's actually exactly what I've been doing. I was just wondering if there
was a forumla I could apply to the column so I didn't have to do that for
every row.


Hi Dramajuana,

on F column use:


regards from Brazil

"dramajuana" escreveu:


sory my mistake on the formulae

use =if(d3>0,f2+d3,f2-e3)

regards from Brazil

"Marcelo" escreveu:

Sandy Mann


I would suggest a slight change to the formula:


This will leave the cell looking blank if there is no data in D2 or E2.

Copy this down as far a you need by using the fill handle - select the cell
then hover the cursor over the bottom left corner where there is a small
black square whereupon the cursor will change to black cross -hairs, left
click and drag down. Or highlight the range of cells that you want the
formula in including the one with the formula then select Edit > Fill > Down


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland

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