formula question




I trying to do a simple time sheet on a spreadsheet, In seperate columns i
have start time, end time, hours worked and hourly rate. In the last column
i want to calculate the total pay by multiplying the hours worked by the
hourly rate. Easier said than done.

I have formatted the start time, end time and hour worked columns into
HH:mm. The hours worked is calculated simply by subtracting the end time
from start time. That gives me lets say 7:30 for 7 and half hours if i
multiply this by say £7 per hour it gives me 2.19 as the answer. we all know
this is not correct. What am i doing wrong and how can i correct this


Niek Otten

In Excel time is stored as a fraction of a day. So one hour is 1/24.

Multiply your answer by 24, format as number and you'll be allright.


Kind Regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel

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