Formula Query



I am using a formula to count the number of occurances of an entry - in an
ever expanding list of data.

The formula that I am using is as follows:


This counts the number of occurances of a weight between 20 and 29 (where
ActualWeight is a named range for the data).

This formula works absolutely fine and is bringing back a count.

I would now like to extend the formula so that it only counts the above if
it meets another criteria (a school name) - which has a named range of

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could try - I have attempted a
couple of things and I cannot seem to get it to work.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Ron Rosenfeld

I am using a formula to count the number of occurances of an entry - in an
ever expanding list of data.

The formula that I am using is as follows:


This counts the number of occurances of a weight between 20 and 29 (where
ActualWeight is a named range for the data).

This formula works absolutely fine and is bringing back a count.

I would now like to extend the formula so that it only counts the above if
it meets another criteria (a school name) - which has a named range of

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could try - I have attempted a
couple of things and I cannot seem to get it to work.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Something like:

=SUMPRODUCT((ActualWeight>=20)*(ActualWeight<=29)*(SchoolName="Alvirne High"))



Try this:


where School is the named range and B1 contains the name of the

Hope this helps.


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