Formula or VBA help



Hi group -

I have a very simple task, but having trouble figuring how to do it. I have
values in a range of cells, let's say A1:A10. In cell A11, I have a formula
that sums that range. In cell A12, I have a value that reads =$10,000.00.
What I'm trying to accomplish is a prompt or something that will not allow
any more data to be entered when the value in A12 has been reached. In this
example, it's $10,000.

Any help is greatly appreciated. My brain is now warped from thinking too
much :)

Thanks in advance,

JE McGimpsey

If you only want to limit your total to the value in A12, use


If you want to prevent entry, then enter


in A11, then select A1:A10, with A1 active and choose Data/Validation...

Select Custom from the Allow drop down and enter



Thanks for response JE.

It seems like it would work, but when I go to add a value, it gives me the
error I entered.
I need it to allow entry of values until it reaches $9999.99 or $10,000.00.

I have 4 values in A1:A4 let's say $1000 each. That's a subtotal of $4000.
Users should be able to entered up to $6000 more. Any other alternative?

Thanks again.

JE McGimpsey

Don't know about an alternative, since what you're requesting is exactly
what should happen with the solution I posted.

What do you mean by "it gives me the error I entered"?

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