Formula not working in excel 2007

  • Thread starter Rao Ratan Singh
  • Start date

Rao Ratan Singh


Namaskar! I i just installed office 2007 and some formula is not working and
retruning #N/A and some formula is returning 0 value.

This formula is returing #N/A


and this is returning 0 vlaue


what should i change in excel 2007 or should i unstall office 2007

Hope you will soon solve my problem.

Dave F

For your first formula, this portion seems suspect:
IF(VLOOKUP($C1063,Inventory_List,9,0) You are telling Excel to look 0
columns to the right. I think that number has to be at least 1.

For your second formula, take a look at the new IFERROR function in
Excel 2007; it will simplify your formula.


Dave Peterson

The 9 represents the column in Inventory_list to be returned.

0 (or False) in that 4th parm means that there has to be an exact match between
what's in C1063 and the first column of Inventory_List.

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