formula not calculating right



Hello in excel 2002
list price Units Discount Price
100 2 10.00% 80.00
columns a b c d consecutively.
this the formula I have in column D =A3-(A3*C3)*B3 result should be
180.00 . I get 80.00 How do I correct the formula ?
thanks in advance


You've applied the quantity to the discount but not to the list price.
Try =A3*B3*(1-C3)

David Biddulph

I don't know how arithmetic works in your country, but in the normal world:

What did you want to calculate if it wasn't
=A3-(A3*C3)*B3 ?

David Biddulph

If you want to ask a different question, which *would* give an answer of
180, you could calculate
=(100-10)*2 instead of =100-10*2
so if that is what you want you could change
=A3-(A3*C3)*B3 to =(A3-(A3*C3))*B3
There are, no doubt, countless other ways of getting 180 from those input
values, but that is the most likely.
Another way of expressing the same thing would be =A3*(1-C3)*B3.

David Biddulph

And if you need to remind yourself, for the future, of the precedence rules
for arithmetic operations, type the word "precedence" into Excel help.

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