Formula help



I need help with the following;

I want to add cells C13 + C15 and their sum to be in C17.
However, C17’s sum should show N/A until the sum is 6 or more at which time
the display in C17 should read REQUIRED and not a number.

Can this be done? If so what would be the formula?

Thanks in advance for your help.


In cell C17 enter the formula as follow

If this was helpful please say yes, thanks

JE McGimpsey

One way:

C17: =IF(C13+C15<6,"N/A","REQUIRED")

Another (if you really want the value of C13+C15 in C17):

C17: =C13+C15

Format the cell with Format/Cell/Number/Custom



Thank you all for your help. I used one and it works. I think both
responses had the same formula. Thanks again.

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