Formula Help



I am trying to do the following:

lets's say in cell C1 I input 2 and in cell D1 I have input 7
Then starting in cell C2, I would like it to list me all number including in
between so that C2=2, C3=3,C4=4,C5=5, C6=6, C7=7.

Let's say I have in C1=26 and D2=32
then C2=26, C3=27, C4=28, C5=29, C6=30, C7=31, C8=32.

Any ideas. Thanks.


Try "Control C and move your mouse to the number at the begining "2" at the
RIGHT corner down "cell" and right click down, you will see one big cross and
small one. I hope that was your question. :|



=IF(AND(C17++SIGN($D$1-$C$1)*1<=MAX(C$1,D$1),C17++SIGN($D$1-$C$1)*1>=MIN(C$1,D$1)),C17+SIGN($D$1-$C$1)*1,"END HERE")

data sequence based on entry at C1 and D1, where C2 = C1 and always the
start of the sequence..


Not quite sure this does what I need it to. Let me start over with this data:

Q1=1 & R1=3
Q2=4 & R2=7
Q3=25 & R3=27

Now, let's say Q28=Q1=1. Then R28=2, S28=3.
Q29=4, R29=5, S29=6, T29=7
Q30=25, R30=26, S30=27.

Is this possible?


Okay, try this ...down on Q29 enter the "=" and with your mouse click cell Q1
and enter, then on Q29 just copy across from Q to S29. I hope it works. :)


I don't think you are quite understanding what I am trying to do. I think a
macro may be needed and not a formula. I am not just trying to make those
cells equal the others, where I can just drag it across. I want it to equal
the first cell but then count until it reaches the next cell's number. So on
and so forth for each row. Example:

Q1=4 (first cell) & R1=9 (ending number cell)
So that if I do Q28=Q1, then it will be 4, but then I need the next cells to
continue across until it reaches R1 value So R28=5, S28=6,....V28=9. Hope
this clarifies.

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