Formula Help - Time Difference in Days, Hours Mins & Seconds


Shashi Bhosale

I would like to calculate Time Difference in Days, Hours Mins & Seconds.

My Dates are 1/24/06 12:10:14 AM & 1/27/06 2:10:14 PM . I need a help with the excel formula


If your start time/date is in A1 and end time/date in B1 you can simpl


and format as

d \d\a\y\s hh:mm:ss

to show in format like

4 days 12:34:56

this is limited to time periods up to 32 days (because days sets bac
to zero after 31

Tom Ogilvy

A1: Start Date/time
A2: End Date/Time

format the cell as dd hh:mm:ss

as long as your difference doesn't exceed 30 days, this should work.

Tom Ogilvy

I would like to calculate Time Difference in Days, Hours Mins & Seconds.

My Dates are 1/24/06 12:10:14 AM & 1/27/06 2:10:14 PM . I need a help with
the excel formula

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