Formula for totaling column



Have 13 column by 10,000 row spred sheet. column A represents a salesmans
number while column B thru M represent different products that the sales
person can sell and the quantity that's sold.
Sp Prod Prod Prod etc
A B C D etc.

206 5 8 2
206 1 3 5
109 2 2 1
206 3 1 8
303 1 2 1
303 2 5 3
using a formula courtesy of Peo Sjoblom =SUMPRODUCT(--(LEFT(A2:A10000)="2"))
I can total the number of sales of a salesperson but also need to total
their individual product sales. Example- salesperson 206 had 3 sales with
product totaling B 9, Product C 12, Product D 15, etc. My summary sheet has
a cell for each salesperson's product total.
Can it be done?
Thank You in Advance.


Use Subtotal:

Subtotal() can produce a variety of calculation and, importantly, ignores
hidden cells.

First switch on autofilter. This will allow you display only a single sales
number (like 206).

Next at the bottom of your columns insert formulae like:
and copy across.


I would use the SUMIF function. In rows after the data put each salesman's
ID on a separate row in column A then put a formula in column B to calculate
the total for Product B. If the data goes from row 2 to row 9876 and the
sales person is on row 9882 the formula would be
=sumif($a$2:$a$9876,$a9882,b$2:b$9876). By using the $ character it is
possible to copy the formulae to other sales people & other products

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