formula for product not working



Hi friends thank you for you help
I have one more question.if in a column say G i have numbers ranging from 4
to 70 and I want a product of numbers which are below the value of 8,say if
there is a number of value 5 in G1 I want to appear as 45 in H1. I want the
numbers to multiply with 9 only if their value is below 8,otherwise they
appear in column B as they are. like 45 appearing as 45 in column B. I put
the formula=IF(G1<8,A1*9,G1). But I am not getting any multiplied value in
column H. What could be the reason.The values in column G are already a
derivative of another formula applied to another preceding column. secondly
in another row ' I ' there are numbers from 1 to 50. I would like to add a
number from this column ONLY if its value is equal to or below 11 to the
values in column H and show in J column. any value greater than 11 shouldnt
be added to column H and the value returned as it is in column H in column J.
these are lengthy questions indeed but hope you got my questions


I presume your formula should be


that should work OK if you have numeric values in G1. What formula d
you have in G1? You either need to change that so it generates a numbe
not text or change formula to



Thanks a lot "daddylonglegs" for your help and for the formula. could you
tell me how to change from text to number. Though the cells do display
numbers on my sheet the problem seems to be the one which you pointed out.
hoew can I fix that problem. you are right in correcting the cell addresses
in the formula in my post !
thanking you once again



It depends what formula you have in G1.

Some functions, e.g. RIGHT, LEFT, MID always return a text result so if
you were using one of those the result might look like a number but it
would be text.

You can change the formula to co-erce the result to numeric, e.g.
instead of





daddylonglegs said:
It depends what formula you have in G1.

Some functions, e.g. RIGHT, LEFT, MID always return a text result so if
you were using one of those the result might look like a number but it
would be text.

You can change the formula to co-erce the result to numeric, e.g.
instead of




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Thank you"daddylonglegs"
indeed I have been using one of the functions which you have mentioned and
thanks for the solution provided.

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