Formula follows the most recent entry in a column???



I have a simple formula =sum(a16), that I use to collect data from cell A16
and place it in cell B32. If I were to add data to A17 (and eventually A18,
A19, A20, etc.) how would I structure a formula to automatically collect the
data from the next cell every time I make a new entry and place that data in
B32 without rewriting the original formula each time to specify the next cell?

Thanks in advance for your help.



Try something like this:

B32: =LOOKUP(10^99,A:A)
That formula returns that last numeric entry in Col_A

Is that something you can work with?


XL2002, WinXP-Pro


If you're only looking to keep a running total in cell B32, would something
like this work for you?

B32: =SUM($A$16:$A$65536)


XL2002, WinXP-Pro


Thank You Ron,

This works like a charm. After reading the description of the lookup
command I can understand the concept you are using. However, I can't quite
figure out why you chose the "10^99" argument. If you get a chance to share
that info with me I'd appreciate it.

Also, your other suggestion did not achieve what I was hoping for but after
re-reading my question, I clearly did not provide exactly what I was trying
to do.

Thanks again for your help.



Thank You Peo,

This is a very useful formula and it did answer a question I had but not the
question I wrote about. After re-reading my question I can see where I
clearly did not explain what I was trying to achieve.

Thanks again for your help,



Hi, Larry

Regarding: 10^99 in B32: =LOOKUP(10^99,A:A)

For that formula to work, the first argument of the LOOKUP function must be
a number that is greater than any potential value in the lookup range. In
that situation, the LOOKUP function returns the last numeric value in Col_A.

Technically, to guarantee that no value in Col_A will be larger than the
argument value the largest number that Excel can recognize would be used:

From a practical standpoint (and mostly to facilitate formula readability),
I used 10^99. I made the assumption that no cell in your worksheet would
contain a number as large as 10 to the 99th power (1 with 99 zeroes). If you
had mentioned that your worksheet pertained to an astronomy problem, I might
have gone with 9.99999999999999E+307.

I hope that helps.


XL2002, WinXP-Pro

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