Formula copying question



Here is the problem that I have, just wondering if someone might kno
how to do this.

Lets say you have a value in cell B2(i.e. 5) that you want to use t
multiply against other vales in another column (i.e. C) how can yo
copy a formula so that it retains the reference to cell b2 whil
changing to multiply against the cells in column C.


5 1



To get this to work now, I have to copy the values to the left o
column C, otherwise the cell reference to B2 changes to B3, etc. So
want to have B2*C2 B2*C3 B2*C4 instead of B2*C2 B3*C3 B4*C4.

Cheers and thanks for your tim

Niek Otten

Use $B$2 instead of B2. An easy way to get that is, while editing or
entering the formula, place the cursor near the cell address, and hit F4
until you get the absolute address.


Kind Regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel



Thanks for the solution. It worked as desired.


Ski Powde

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