


What items on a form should I test before releasing the form into use? Is
there a document that is a checklist that any one knows about that I could
download someplace? Why do items need to be tested anyways? I am new and
still trying to learn, I like Access 2007 so far.


Hi Jannie,

Glad to hear you like Access so far. As far as your question goes usually I
tend to let someone else use the form to let him/her see what I created. I
ask them to fill in the form and I take notes in the meantime.

Here are some pointers you can think of:

- Has the taborder been set correctly
- is the layout logically placed (textboxes)
- is everything accessible without using the mouse (a lot of people don't
use a mouse)
- Can I close the form
- where do i get when i close the form
- Are there any required fields to fill in (how does the user see that)
- What happens when wrong data is entered in textboxes


hope this gives you a start....


Thank you Maurice! Can I ask you one more question? Your reply was so helpful.

(ClientNumber, ClientName, VetID, VetName,
(PetID, PetName, PetType))

I am supposed to find the repeating group in the relation above and
convert the un-normalized relation to First Normal Form.

I cannot tell by looking what the repeating group is. Can you tell, if so,
how were you able to see it. Can you help me to see it? Yes, this is an
assignment and I am not asking for the answer, I want to learn. The teacher I
presently have, which is an online teacher, is very sick and not able to
communicate as she normally would. That is just my luck, but, I understand.
However, I still have to do this by tomorrow and I really need some help
because I do not know what to do. This is the only thing I could not do on my
own in the assignment, I have finished all but this.

John W. Vinson

Thank you Maurice! Can I ask you one more question? Your reply was so helpful.

(ClientNumber, ClientName, VetID, VetName,
(PetID, PetName, PetType))

I am supposed to find the repeating group in the relation above and
convert the un-normalized relation to First Normal Form.

I cannot tell by looking what the repeating group is. Can you tell, if so,
how were you able to see it. Can you help me to see it? Yes, this is an
assignment and I am not asking for the answer, I want to learn. The teacher I
presently have, which is an online teacher, is very sick and not able to
communicate as she normally would. That is just my luck, but, I understand.
However, I still have to do this by tomorrow and I really need some help
because I do not know what to do. This is the only thing I could not do on my
own in the assignment, I have finished all but this.

Well, here's a hint. I'm a pet owner, I have only one name; and I have Maxie
and Callie, my two cats.

Which of the fields in the list above might occur more than once for a given


Im sorry John, I still am not able to get it! Should I create a table and
type in these fields, then, will I see it? What can I do to figure it out;
Gosh I feel kinda silly, that I should know this.

John W. Vinson

Im sorry John, I still am not able to get it! Should I create a table and
type in these fields, then, will I see it? What can I do to figure it out;
Gosh I feel kinda silly, that I should know this.

It has nothing to do with tables at this stage.

A table is just a way to manage information. The thought process for designing
tables starts by identifying the "Entities" - real life people (such as
clients or veterinarians), things (though they may consider themselves people,
such as pets), or events (vet visits, let's say, someday later in your
database design).

What Entities are represented by your sketch table?

How are those entities related? Does each client have one, and only one, never
more, pets? Or might they have more than one?

Which fields in your sketch table pertain to clients? Which pertain to pets?


You could have two or more pet names and two or more pet types, cat and dog
for instance.

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