Forms.Timer Tick event and threading issue


Chris Taylor

I have a simple c# winforms app which was comprised of two seperate
projects - a splash screen and a main app. The main app called the splash
screen, which used a Forms.Timer, created on a seperate thread. As various
events are processed (eg opening db, retrieving data, etc.) the Splash
Screen was updated with the status and showed progress bar and time
remaining before fading out. All fine till I came to publish it then some
sort of 'bug' with the security setings didn't let me publish the project as
one exe (something to do with Click Once and trusted app settings?) Tried
all combinations of settings but nothing has worked - can't publish it - so
resorted to combining splash screen code into the one project to get around
it. Now however my timer's tick event never gets called and the splash
screen doest fade in/out or get updated! Any ideas what's happening and how
I can get around this? Using STAThread for both and definitely seperate
thread IDs but why has putting the code into the same namespace screwed it
up?? Thanks in advance.


Peter Duniho

[...] so resorted to combining splash screen code into the one project
to get around it. Now however my timer's tick event never gets called
and the splash screen doest fade in/out or get updated! Any ideas what's
happening and how I can get around this?

Please post a concise-but-complete example of code that reliably
reproduces the problem. Don't include any code that is not directly
related to reproducing the problem.

I suspect that in creating such a sample, you will find what you did that
causes the problem. But if you can't, then the code posted here would be
useful in helping answer your question.

Without such code, your chances that someone will happen to know the
answer off the top of their heads is slim.


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