forms passing values



I have a form that is filled out by Customer Service if there is a follow up
with the form an new form is generated and fields such as problem, item
number are passed to this new form.

My question is how do you get the values that are passed to the new form to
be saved. This way the new form can be opened for review.


Forms don't contain any data. they are just a "window" through which you may
manipulate data. So, you can't really save data in a form.

What is the record source for the first form?
What is the record source for the new form?
How are these data related?


The first form is called Customer service Issue it is linked to a table of
the same name. I have a date of issue field on the form whose control source
=date(). How do I caputure that date rather than everyday it changes due to
the command.

Also when I open the second form I am using =Forms!CustSvcIssue!Cust Issue Id.
This is to pull field values from the first form into the second form. What
I realize is that I can not open the second form on its own because the
information is not captured. I would like to be able to capture the data
((copy paste special values))
into the second form so it can be used on its own.


You need a field in your table to store the date of issue.
Instead of putting = Date() in the Control Source, put it in the Default
Value property. Then bind the control the field to store the date of issue.

Now, for new records, it will default to the current date, but an existing
record will retain the original date. Then if you are opening the second
form based on a specific date, you wont have a problem.

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