Forms - Display/View Query




I have a field (Memo) field that's displayed on a form. This is simply
showing terms for the DB.

Simple thing - it currently shows this as text as if I've selected all of
the data. I've set the field to not be editable etc... Is there any way that
I can just simply show this as data without it appearing that I've selected
all of the text?.

With thanks, Al.

Rick Brandt

Al said:

I have a field (Memo) field that's displayed on a form. This is
simply showing terms for the DB.

Simple thing - it currently shows this as text as if I've selected
all of the data. I've set the field to not be editable etc... Is
there any way that I can just simply show this as data without it
appearing that I've selected all of the text?.

With thanks, Al.

Several points:

TextBox controls show "selected" text as highlighted.

By Default TextBoxes select their entire contents when they receive focus by
any means other than a mouse-click. This behavior can be changed in

The TextBox holding your Memo field apparenty is first in the TabOrder or
the only thing in the TabOrder. You could make some other control be first
in the TabOrder and it would solve some of this. If however, you give the
Memo control focus and then move to another record then all of the text on
the next record will be selected and thus highlighted again.

You could make the TextBox disabled, but then you would not be able to
scroll either and you might need that.

You can use the GotFocus event of the control to de-select the text so it
won't be highlighted.

Me.TextBoxName.SelStart = 0
Me.TextBoxName.SelLength = 0

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