Forms authentication page not called




I am writing ASP.NET application. I would like to use forms authenication. I
created Login.aspx page and modified Web.config. Start page is Default.aspx.
The problem is that Login.aspx is not called.

Here is part of my Web.config.

<authentication mode="Forms">

<forms name="MIM-Magazyn" loginUrl="Login.aspx" />



<deny users="?"/>


Please help. I have little experience.
I use .NET 2.0.

John Smith

After <system.web> section you should declare which users have access to
whish pages.

Anyone should get to the login page so :

<location path="Login.aspx">
<allow users="?"/>

and no one should get to the default page if not logged in so:

<location path="Default.aspx">
<deny users="?"/>

You don't need <authorization> tag in <system.web> section.


Thanks. Now I have in my Web.config:


<location path="Login.aspx">

<system.web><authorization><allow users="*"/></authorization></system.web>


<location path="Default.aspx">

<system.web><authorization><deny users="?"/></authorization></system.web>



The problem is that is receive the following compilation error:

<location> sections are allowed only within <configuration> sections.
(F:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MIM-Magazyn\web.config line 81) . I don't understand
this message because I added <location> within <configuration>.

Could you help me?



U¿ytkownik "Eliyahu Goldin said:
Try to change the name parameter in the <forms ...> tag. Could be the
cookie MIM-Magazyn became persistent on your machine.

It helps, but for one time. After one run of application I must change
<forms name=...> again to a different string. Do you know what's going on?

Eliyahu Goldin

By default, the cookie expires after 30 min. If you re-login within 30
minutes, the login form won't pop up. Look at the "timeout" and
"slidingExpiration" attributes of the forms element. They control the
timeout period.

Eliyahu Goldin,
Software Developer
Microsoft MVP [ASP.NET]

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